Coffee in Cartagena

Colombia is known worldwide for its quality coffee. One organization, the Juan Valdez (cartel), is in charge of the country’s industry from requiring buying their variety of arabica plant starts to paying them to remove the fruit hull layer and grade the beans. They will not allow the export of smaller beans, which can be […]

Pablo Escobar Tour

We did the Lonely Planet recommended tour of multiple sites including buildings that got bombed to where Pablo was killed to his grave site. The tour guide concluded with that  there is more business now than during Colombia’s 50 years violence when 100s of thousands of people were killed every year. The seat of global […]

Medellin, Colombia

Despite our Medellin hosts not having hot shower water, slow Internet, and the public toilets not having the lids I’ve been accustomed to my entire life, I enjoyed Colombia’s beautiful landscape, access to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans combined with traditional grazing and abundant tropical fruits plus extremely favorable exchange rates. Restaurants, movies, and travel […]

The Teleferico in La Paz, Bolivia

Cable cars for public transportation started in 2014. There are three lines currently working and six more lines planned. This was a most wonderful way to get an aerial view of the La Paz  Recoleta Cemetery and the city, with panoramic views of the mountains.